Thursday, August 18, 2011

Meet your teacher....

Well, today was meet the teacher!!  I am always SO nervous on this day, not matter how many times I do it, I still get nervous!!  So, if you aren't a teacher then you don't know what all goes into getting ready to meet those little darlings.  Well, I thought that I would give you all the nitty gritty to bring you into our "teacher" world.  It all starts with hours of sitting in in-service learning new strategies, and discussing the new changes that will be coming this year.  (In case you didn't know, teachers are probably made into some of the most flexible people EVER when it comes to their jobs)  Anyways!!  Then it is a lot of trying to cram in time to work on your classroom and prepare stuff for meet the teacher and the first day of school.  This gets me to the night before Meet the Teacher.  First of all, a word to the wise, if you decide to put a tree house in your classroom, don't wait until the night before Meet the Teacher!!  I spent the day before meet the teacher sitting in staff meetings all day and then going to my classroom to get last minute things done!!  There was so much to do, get information put on desk for parents to fill out and take home, get name tags made, get all of the school supply boxes ready, and clean up the mess I had made from moving in!!  I spent the majority of the afternoon working until I took a break to run home.  I then went back up to school to continue to work, when my wonderful husband and brother came with dinner and a tree house.  All of this boils down to a VERY long night spent at the school trying to get things ready to meet those kids!!
Then, its time to meet the kids and their parents!!  They come in, some of them running, some of the hiding behind their mom or dad, some all dressed up and some wearing whatever they have in their closet at home.  The parents get to fill out all the paper work while I ask the kids about their summer and if they are ready to come back to school.  At the end of it all, I hope that each of my kids leave with a positive attitude about their teacher, classroom, and the new school year ahead!!

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